Underground Potash Mine ESIA

ESIA for Kola Underground Potash Mine

Kore Potash commissioned SRK to update the previously approved 2012 ESIA report prepared by SRK for the Sintoukola Project to reflect design changes as a result of further engineering and financial studies conducted as part of the feasibility study. These changes included replacing the haul road between the mine and the processing plant with an overland conveyor, repositioning project infrastructure away from sensitive human and environmental receptors, optimising groundwater usage and aggregate demand, and replacing the terrestrial mine waste storage facility with ocean disposal. SRK worked with the project engineers and relevant national and international specialists to facilitate meaningful environmental and social input into the assessment of project alternatives. Where required, additional baseline studies and impact modelling were commissioned to predict the potential impacts of the updated project design. This included air quality modelling, seawater quality analysis, and ecotoxicological test work of marine species. The constructive partnership between SRK and the engineers resulted in an optimised project design with inherent design measures incorporated to prevent or reduce potential impacts at the source. SRK then worked closely with local and national conservation NGOs to develop management measures to further reduce potential impacts. During this process, SRK developed site specific environmental design criteria and a physical constraints report to enable project engineers to fully consider community health and safety, cultural heritage, and sensitive habitats potentially impacted by project emissions or activities throughout the life of the project. SRK also undertook participatory stakeholder engagement with local communities and worked closely with the company’s community liaison officer to ensure community concerns were included and addressed throughout the ESIA process.