Collaboration Needed To Address Challengers

Industrial companies in KwaZulu-Natal are increasingly recognising the importance of water resilience and collaborative efforts to address shared water challenges, especially amid ongoing challenges in the province, owing to ageing water infrastructure and poor maintenance. 

Many businesses are implementing solutions - such as storing water on site using tanks, drilling boreholes, harvesting rainwater and identifying process efficiencies - to mitigate water supply disruptions, says engineering consultancy SRK Consulting principal environmental scientist Tamaryn Hale. 

With the support of frameworks such as the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), and expertise from organisations such as SRK Consulting, Hale is confident that businesses will be better equipped to manage their water risks and contribute to the sustainable management of South Africa's water resources. 

Water stewardship certifications, such as those by the A WS, are essential for helping industries become more resilient in the face of climate change, Hale says, adding that certified companies are not only better prepared for current and future water challenges but are also positioned to access international funding, given the global recognition of the AWS standard. 

The AWS certification focuses on water stewardship, which emphasises the collective management of water resources. At the core of the certification is the Water Stewardship Plan, a comprehensive approach that guides businesses in managing water risks based on accurate catchment data. 

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