Maden Atığı

Mine Waste Careers with SRK

Mine waste engineers support the design, permitting, construction, operation, and closure of stable, cost-effective, and legally compliant mine waste storage facilities. This includes the treatment and disposal of tailings and solid and hazardous waste.

Services provided by mine waste engineers include: site selection, geotechnical investigation, permitting and regulatory compliance, risk and hazard assessment, strategic planning, detailed engineering, construction quality assurance, operational monitoring and management, decommissioning, closure, and reclamation.

Typically, consultants specialize in a couple of areas as they become more senior and more experienced. Because of the advisory nature of consulting, we look for candidates who have operational mine experience, either underground or open pit.

Açık Kariyer Fırsatlarımızı incelemek için soldaki bağlantıya tıklayın. Mevcut açık pozisyonlara uygun değilseniz, SRK Danışmanlık’ta çalışmak için  Genel Başvuru Formunu doldurabilirsiniz.

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