SRK 50
SRK Chile Office

Reaching our fifty-year milestone as a consultancy is worthy of recognition. It is a chance to reflect on our past and how we can carry our legacy of innovation into the future. 

1974年,Oskar Steffen、Andy Robertson和Hendrik Kirsten在南非约翰内斯堡共同创立了SRK。经历了半个世纪的发展,SRK集团如今在全球范围内拥有1700多名员工,并计划在2024年开展为期一年的金禧庆典活动,即#SRK50。

SRK集团首席执行官Tim McGurk表示:“SRK50的主题是“聚焦创新”。创新是公司创立的关键驱动力,我们的员工将继续发扬这一传统。回顾历史,展望未来,我们与客户的合作项目日益复杂,因此我们必须再接再厉,在工作中锐意创新。”




Andrew Van Zyl

Ongoing Commitment to Innovation

SRK South Africa's MD Andrew van Zyl highlights key milestones the company has achieved, how it plans to renew its commitments to innovation in the face of increasingly complex projects, and how the company has continued to evolve over the years as the mining industry has changed.

SRK 50

Five Decades in the Mining Industry

Reflecting on the last five decades, as well as outlining the disruptors of the mining industry and where the industry is headed.

Celebrating 50

50 Years of Consulting to Natural Resource Sector

Key achievements of SRK Consulting have been the pursuit of technical excellence and independence.

Going forward, the consultancy expresses excitement at the prospect of a lot more diversity of thought, personality, and approach leading to better solutions within a better industry.

Rooted in Africa

When a trio of engineering pioneers started their own consultancy in 1974, it was innovation that was their guide; half a century later, SRK Consulting is a 1700-strong global network of scientists and engineers that embraces digital and other technologies to further enhance its impact.

50 Years of Innovation

As mining evolves, so has the company’s ability to meet clients' need for sustainable solutions. SRK Consulting recommits to the value of innovation especially in its core industries such as mining, where risks and challenges grow steadily in complexity. 

Half Century of Innovation in Mining

Projects we undertake with our clients are becoming increasingly complex, it is inevitable that we renew our commitment to innovation in our work, as we reflect on our past and future.

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