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Analitik Çerezleri
Pazarlama Çerezleri
Environmental consulting spans the full life-cycle of a mining operation: from planning a new mine through staying on course, suspending operations, or closing a facility. Environmental planning is critical for all mining operations, especially considering the increasingly stringent standards set by local, regional, and national governments.
We employ engineers and scientists in the following capacities:
Environmental consultants help decision-makers with permitting, risk management, and social license. They work with mining companies to overcome challenges, with financial institutions to identify and manage risk, and with environmental regulators to provide relevant assurances and solutions.
Our environmental projects include: site characterization, baseline environmental and social studies, environmental and social impact assessments, liability assessments and financial assurance, stakeholder involvement and consultation, audits and reviews, risk assessment, and more.
Mine Reclamation and Closure Consultants resolve to avoid and mitigate the long-term environmental, economic, and social impacts. Mine closure planning is necessary at all stages of a mining project – from initial mine planning, through feasibility assessment, and during operations. Project stakeholders, indigenous communities, and regulatory agencies increasingly scrutinize the closure provisions of mining projects. Current best practice dictates that all mines should be “designed for closure” and many jurisdictions mandate zero discharge conditions during operations and prohibit the release of deleterious substances to the environment post closure.
Our project closure and reclamation work includes: assessing closure requirements and managing closure planning and public consultation, facilitating workshops for project stakeholders, characterising waste, geochemical and hydrologic assessments, developing waste and water quality management plans for all phases of mine life, seismic stability assessments, earthworks stability assessments, soil cover design and landform engineering, construction QA/QC for closure prescriptions, and development of cost estimation models.
Please see our section on geochemistry careers for further information and specific job postings.