Consulting With the Professionals

The saying 'if you want some­thing done right, do it yourself' rarely applies in mining -and particularly in tailings projects -only project leaders that seek out the more specific and nuanced areas of expertise will succeed.

MM spoke to two engineering and consulting firms -Ausenco and SRK -about their showcase projects as well as how all parties involved in an operations development can have the most effective relationship.

MM asked the Ausenco chief operating officer, Simon Cmrlec, about his position on best practices for operations to have for tailings management design and operation. He notes there are a number of fundamental principles.

"One is that there must be a com­mitment upfront to ensuring that any impact from the facility to the sur­rounding environment, communities, and other stakeholders will be minimised and that the design and construction of the facility will only use proven and tested technology," he says.

A second is that a team must have a vision of a project and what it will look like at the end of its life - before the design of the tailings facility ever begins.