Pedro Crignola

His academic and technical formation is applied to the design of engineering solutions for geological and environmental issues derived from the mechanical behavior of soil and rocks. 

Pedro has wide-ranging experience in the design, analysis, and interpretation of site exploratory campaigns, geological, geotechnical, structural, and geomechanical cartography of the rock mass, specific solutions for the mitigation of natural and geological hazards, slope instability, study of aggregates for borrow material, concrete and filling and in construction and reparation of embankments and loose material dams as well as hydro-fracturing essays in order to determine stress status within the rock mass for its application to the design of underground work.

His experience also covers tunnels, shafts, multipurpose chambers, conventional construction methods, all phases of design, execution and reparation, geological-geotechnical mapping of excavations to define progress and definite support, design and specification of support in the study phase for underground projects, tunnel inspection, revision of installed support and supervision of reparations, supervision and risk evaluation of tunnels excavated by TBM.