8th Current Trends in Mining Finance Conference

Join over 200 veteran and highly qualified subject-matter experts who evaluate, value, de-risk, discover, and fund mining projects around the globe. Collaborate with industry leaders who are focused on assessing and advising global mineral supply chains, and guiding key decision makers on the implications of the growing demand for critical minerals and battery metals worldwide.

Participate in thought-provoking discussions on financial, technical, and non-technical critical issues as the world transitions towards electric vehicles, batteries, energy storage, and clean energy technologies. Gain insights from experts and stakeholders on various topics and trends that affect raising capital, as well as how management and investors anticipate, monitor, and mitigate risks associated with mining projects.

Panel Discussion | ESG and Mine Closure: Changing Landscape for Reporting | May 10, 1:40pm




Critical Aspects for Technical Due Diligence and Assessing Project Risks

Thursday, May 11, 2023, 07:45 AM - 11:45 AM EST

This half day workshop will provide an overview of key technical risks across multiple disciplines for exploration and mine project due diligence.

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