Copper 2022 Short Course 4: Filtered Tailings Management

This live technical workshop will focus on the practical application of filtered tailings management facility design and operations. The focus will be less on filtration dewatering technologies, OEM and vendor approaches and more on the current best practices in design, engineering decision making and success factors in evaluating siting and design, and construction concepts and approaches.

Presented by and for design engineers and EOR's, with real world examples from both small and larger scale (existing and planned) operations, this hands-on engineering workshop will address dewatering considerations and filter cake properties, but in the larger context of planning for, engineering and implementing and monitoring successful filtered stack operations.

Filtered Tailings Management

Short Course 4: Sunday November 13

Course Description (this course will be given partially in English and Spanish)

  • Process dewatering considerations and effi­ciency in the context of material handling, transport and placement alternatives, feasibility and cost considerations.
  • Key factors in Filtered Tailings Storage Facility Design.
  • Key factors in Filtered Tailings Stack Operations.
  • Key factors in project planning and implementation, technical and economic feasibility.
  • Decision making approaches and criteria - Technical and economic feasibility of filtered tailings.

Click here to download the course flyer.

SRK Course Instructors