Denver Mineral Exploration Summit 2022

The geopolitical situation over the past few years has exposed glaring weaknesses in the security of the global supply chain. The Covid-19 pandemic and aggressive actions by adversarial powers have disrupted the supply of precious and critical metals, energy resources, and finished goods. The goal of the Denver Mineral Exploration Summit is to bring together the disciplines of exploration geology, research and development, finance, and policy making to begin a discussion on how best to secure the resources needed to ensure a stable supply chain and continued innovation of new technologies. As the base of the supply chain, exploration geology and mining provide the raw materials needed for all manufacturing, as well as precious metal reserves. New precious and critical metal discoveries from friendly and stable jurisdictions will be showcased, which will include the display of drill core. In addition, the Denver Mineral Exploration Summit will include talks on research and development into emerging green-energy technologies that utilize critical metals, the policies needed to implement exploration and mining of these metals, and how to finance this exploration.


Technical Talk

Reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources Under the Updated SEC Disclosure Requirements: Increased Opportunities for Junior Explorers for Marketing and Fundraising in U.S. Market | Saturday September 17th 2:10 - 2:30PM

A summary of opportunities, considerations, and disclosure details for junior mining companies to consider under the updated SEC S-K 1300 regulations. This presentation will touch on reporting and technical guidelines for Exploration Results and Mineral Resource reporting with an emphasis on battery and critical mineral project financing and development in the U.S.