Management of Dilution and Mining Recovery to Maximise Value

Session 11 


Dilution and loss of ore during the mine process invariable occur in all underground mining operations. This dilution and ore loss can have a significant effect on the operational performance and value generated from a mining operation. Further, excessive dilution or greater than anticipated ore losses during mining is often one the key reasons for the underperformance of a mining project when compared to feasibility study or annual budget. 

Mining professionals often go to great lengths preparing detailed mine plans, schedules and economic models only to then apply high level estimates or rule of thumb values for dilution and mining recovery which can ultimately lead to inaccurate forecasts for the performance of a mine with the resultant loss of value due to the mining of uneconomic material or the loss of potentially valuable ore.

This paper discusses processes and practices that can be practically used to manage dilution and mining recovery in an underground mining operation with a focus on understanding and then maximising value. 

The processes cover items such as the definition and measurement of dilution and mining recovery, techniques for the estimation of dilution and mining recovery, consideration of the economic implications, management of dilution and mining recovery through the stages of the planning cycle, and practices to reduce dilution and improve mining recovery. 

Common misconceptions and omissions are also discussed.