MINEX Eurasia 2023

Organised on 27 November 2023 and hosted by Simmons and Simmons in London the 11th MINEX Eurasia Conference STANDS OUT as an exclusive event dedicated to mining and investment in Central Asia, Caucasus & Mongolia

SRK Consulting UK is a Silver Sponsor. 

The conference caters to mining and metals companies, investors, financiers, government regulators, as well as service providers, attracting participants from the UK and overseas.

In response to the immense need for minerals and metals in strategic industrial ecosystems, the importance of sustainable and dependable sourcing of raw materials continues to rise globally. Relevantly underexplored mineral and metal resources of the Eurasian continent offer significant opportunities.  The Conference will serve as a stage for essential conversations regarding the role of the Eurasian mining industry in the supply of Critical Raw Materials and the Development of technological advances making mining less environmentally destructive.

09.40 – 10.40 Auditorium | Session 1 : Strategic partnerships on critical raw materials with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Mongolia
The global shift towards clean energy technologies, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels, has led to a substantial surge in the demand for minerals essential for powering these technologies. Escalating demand underscores the growing importance of international collaboration with mining jurisdictions in Central Asia, Mongolia Caspian & Caucus regions in addressing the mineral requirements of the advancing global energy transition.

Moderator: Richard Oldcorn, Director and Corporate Consultant | SRK Consulting UK


11.50 – 13.00 Auditorium | Session 3: Mineral Resources development and FDI opportunities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Armenia
Experts and Companies will present and discuss business opportunities in the Raw Materials domain. During the session, the speakers will address the following questions:
- What is the status of mineral exploration in respective countries?
- What strategies can enhance the effectiveness of public exploration programs?
- What is the most effective method for leveraging exploration findings to attract and reduce the risks associated with private investments?
- What companies are doing to improve ESG performance.

Moderator: Tim Lucks, Managing Director & Corporate Consultant | SRK Consulting UK