Sodic Cr-diopside Compositions Record Profound Pyroxenite/Megacrystic (Re)Fertilization of the Central Superior Craton Lithosphere, Attawapiskat Kimberlites, Ontario, Canada

The Victor diamond mine in Ontario, Canada opened in July 2008 and ceased operations in June 2019. Previous researchers documented that Victor diamonds are unusually young (~ 720 Ma, Aulbach et al. 2018) and grew predominantly in unusually fertile peridotite substrates, specifically garnet lherzolite and garnet wehrlite (Stachel et al. 2018). Our further investigation of this fertile lithosphere accordingly focussed on some 200 clinopyroxene (Cpx) xenocrysts from Victor (in part previously studied by Smit et al. 2014). We adopted high-precision and well-standardized analytical protocols for n=196 major-element analyses by EPMA and n=72 trace-element analyses by LA-SF-ICP-MS at the facilities of the University of Alberta. The analytical protocols are detailed in Hardman et al. (2021). 


Herman Grütter | SRK Consulting (Canada)

Thomas Stachel | University of Alberta (Canada)

Chiranjeeb Sarkar | University of Alberta (Canada)

Graham Pearson | University of Alberta (Canada)

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