Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage

The theme of the AMD Workshop sits within the broader mine closure and relinquishment context as an integral component of a mining project. It will highlight the importance of mine planning and early interventions throughout the life of mine to correct potential deviations from AMD management plan or performance.

Hear presentations from some of our experienced geochemistry specialists:

SRK Presenters

Claire Linklater
Principal Geochemist, SRK Australia, PhD, FGS, FAusIMM

Topic: Effect of temperature on leaching from Pilbara materials
Time: Tuesday, 22 June, 1.50pm - 2.10pm

Alex Watson
Principal Geochemist, SRK Australia, MSc, BSc (Hons), DipEM, MAusIMM

Topic: Alkaline leaching of Pilbara materials
Time: Tuesday 22 June, 2.10pm - 2.30pm

Bronwen Forsyth
Senior Environmental Geochemist, SRK Australia, PhD, BEnvSc

Topic: Climate change and the assessment of acid and metalliferous rock drainage: what are the considerations for our technical discipline?
Time: Wednesday 23 June, 4:20pm - 4:40pm