At a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, the Chairperson of CRIRSCO, Dr Harry Parker, announced that Kazakhstan had been unanimously elected to be the tenth member of CRIRSCO, the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards.

The National Reporting Organisation for  Kazakhstan will be the KAZRC Association, which has developed the Kazakhstan Reporting Code (KAZRC). The Recognised Professional Organisation for Competent Persons preparing Public Reports will be PONEN. The KAZRC Association representatives on CRIRSCO will be Saule Urazayeva, Executive Director of KAZRC and Nikolai Yenshin, General Manager of SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan).

The Minister for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Asset Issekeshev, was present and had earlier stated “the objective of the Government was to adopt world’s best practice in the reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves”. After the announcement by Dr Parker, he expressed his pleasure that his country’s efforts had been rewarded by being accepted as the tenth member of CRIRSCO. Dr. Parker explained that “the CRIRSCO family of reporting standards were used by mining companies, investors and financial institutions on six continents, and that Kazakhstan’s adoption of the KAZRC would enable Public Reporting of Kazakhstan’s Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves to be in the format expected to support investors.”

About CRIRSCO: CRIRSCO was formed in 1994 to develop common standards for Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves.  Members include the Joint Ore Reserve Committee of Australasia; the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration of the USA; the South African Mineral Resource Committee; the Canadian Institution of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum; the Comision Minera (of Chile); The Pan- European Reserves and Resources Committee;  The National Association for Subsoil Examination (Russia); The Mongolian Professional Institute for Geology and Mining; and the Brazilian Commission for Resources and Reserves. CRIRSCO is a Strategic Partner of the International Council for Mining and Metals, based in London UK.

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