Khandiza Polymetallic Mine MRE & PFS

In 2019 SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan) was requested by JSC «Almalyk MMC» to undertake a Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE) and Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) on the Khandiza Polymetallic deposit.

SRK put together a multi-disciplined team of engineers to review geology, mining, geotechnical, hydrogeology, infrastructure, geochemical, tailings facility, processing and financial studies to prepare a Maiden JORC MRE and PFS in accordance with international standards.

SRK carried out an extensive data entry program, exploration for the mines to identify target areas for extensions to existing deposits and new orebodies. SRK constructed a modern exploration database and prepared a 3D block model for Mineral Resource Estimation in accordance with the JORC Code.  As part of the PFS, SRK carried out mine planning and scheduling to determine the maximum production rate that can be achieved.  In February 2020, SRK submitted an inferred JORC MRE of 17 Mt tonnes of ore at 9.7% ZnEQ in the interim MRE.