Mine Plan for Extraction of Vermiculite



SRK worked with the Namekara team to develop both a strategic life of mine plan and detailed mine plans to be used to contract work to extend the mine, using an approach which allowed the Namekara team to plan and visualise the pit extension in an economically optimum way.

SRK visited the site to discuss the Project’s requirements and to collect the required data. Geological block models were reviewed and advice on improving geological confidence was given.

A strategic planning phase, including pit optimisation using topographical constraints, licence perimeter, and the processing inputs, allowed economically optimal and mineable inventories to be assessed. The sensitivity of mineral inventory to factors such as pit dewatering, process recovery, and product price was assessed through a number of pit optimisations, which showed the deposit sensitivity to cut-off grade and emphasised the importance of understanding and discussing with the client appropriate parameters used in this calculation.

SRK developed several mine plans based on a practical approach to mining with potential pushback options and possible satellite pits. The Namekara team then developed their strategic plan in cooperation with SRK with a preferred approach identified for detailed design to deliver the life of mine plan.

To develop a mine plan and mining schedule, SRK reviewed hydrogeological and geotechnical information, as well as creating 3D visualisations of the geological models and pits and providing a concise summary report with bench plans and monthly progression of the pit to guide the mining operation. The schedule for ore production and waste stripping requirements for pit pushbacks and potential satellite pits over the full mine life detailing equipment productivities and mining fleet requirements has been used to communicate with potential contractors bidding to undertake the pit extension.

Overall, SRK worked closely with the Namekara team to provide mine planning knowledge and new assessments that supported the client’s strategic decision-taking process.  An economically optimal and practical focus was kept throughout and is reflected in the planning processes which enabled the mine plan and pit extension to be visualised and effectively communicated.