Integrated State of the Environment Report

Project Description

Namibia relies heavily on its natural resources for generating income, with community wildlife conservancies in the rural north managed by local communities as tourism initiatives. SRK Consulting was commissioned to develop the second Namibian Integrated State of the Environment Report (ISOER) for Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Fisheries and Tourism. The report was to include an innovative visualisation of data, stakeholder input and sign-off, policy implications, and case studies to highlight key issues. It was funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), as part of its Biodiversity Management and Climate Change project.

Aligning with the Framework for the Development of Environmental Statistics, the report required large amounts of data to be processed and interpreted within a short period of five to six months. It also required in-depth knowledge of Namibia’s environmental regulations, as well as bilateral and multilateral environmental memorandums of understanding. SRK multi-disciplinary team included specialists in policy and strategy, stakeholder engagement, environment, information management and data visualisation, as well as a Namibia-based expert in urban and rural development.

The project highlighted various pressure points in Namibia’s environmental management approach, allowing stakeholders to identify priorities for future action and funding – while supporting environmental awareness globally.