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The Oropesa Tin Project (Oropesa) is located within the Spanish Iberian Massif, a complex orogenic belt, where host rocks have undergone significant deformation by one or more phases of folding and faulting. Tin mineralisation (mainly cassiterite) is associated with sulphide mineralisation, dominantly pyrite, and pervasive silica alteration.
SRK was engaged to undertake Mineral Resource Estimation (MRE) for Oropesa, entailing several model updates between 2014-2018, which were reported in the public domain using International Reporting Guidelines. SRK’s MRE formed the basis of several SRK multi-discipline mining technical studies also undertaken during this era of the Project.
Principally through on-site structural investigation undertaken during 2015, SRK assisted the Project owners to further evolve the geological understanding, which has contributed to the current day interpretation for the deposit. Notably, observations for overturned bedding indicated that parts of the sedimentary sequence had undergone folding post-deposition, with hypothesised folding within the basin fitting relatively well within the Oropesa deposit.
Subsequent infill drilling during 2016 supported the interpreted geological framework, which, following further structural study, exploration drilling and model refinement in recent years, is currently being used as the basis of Elementos’ exploration and mining studies.