Environmental and Social Permitting for Siguiri Gold Mine

Environmental and Social Permitting for Siguiri Gold Mine | SRK South Africa

Project Description

SRK Consulting was appointed to undertake the permitting process Siguiri Gold Mine, to meet the requirements of the relevant legislation in Guinea – including the Guinea Environment Code and related decrees and notices, and the General Guide for Impact Studies. In conducting the project, SRK worked closely with Guinean environmental consultant SAMEC, who lead the stakeholder engagement activities. 

The work required environmental and social baseline studies, permit applications, environmental and social impact assessments and the development of a management plan. Deadlines were challenging, so close coordination was required to complete the activities, prepare and translate certain reports into French, and submit applications to the relevant authorities. The constructive working relationship with locally-based SAMEC was an important element of the project’s success. The tight deadlines were met and project authorisation was achieved in record time.