Songjiagou Gold Mine Project

Songjiagou Gold Mine – Competent Person’s Report

The Sinogold Resources Holdings Group commissioned SRK China to compile a Qualified Person’s Report (QPR) for the Songjiagou Gold Mine located in Shandong Province, China.

The Songjiagou Gold Mine consists of both open-pit and underground areas. The throughput for the open-pit area is 3.3 Mtpa, with a remaining life of 9 years, while the throughput for the underground area is 90 Ktpa with a remaining life of 8 years.

Since 2012, SRK China has been commissioned by Sinogold for various services, including data verification, QA/QC for exploration, resource modelling and estimation, and this Qualified Person’s Report.

The QPR, together with the Prospectus for this project, were submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx) on March 30, 2022.