Tronox Namakwa Sands West Mine Residue Storage Facility 7 EIA, Western Cape

Short Project Title

S&EIR for the Tronox Namakwa Sands WRSF 7

Project Title

Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting Process for the Tronox Namakwa Sands West Mine Residue Facility 7

SRK Project Reference Number


Official Reference Number


SRK Project Manager

Sam Leyde

Contact Person

Yakira Naina

Contact Email

Contact Number

021 659 3060


Tronox Mineral Sands (Pty) (Ltd) (Tronox) operates a heavy minerals mining business which includes the existing Namakwa Sands Mine (“the Mine”) at Brand se Baai and a Mineral Separation Plant (MSP) near Koekenaap, on the West Coast of South Africa. At the Mine, heavy mineral sands are mined using open-cast strip-mining methods at the East Mine and West Mine.  

Material from both mines produce a Heavy Mineral Concentrate (HMC) at the Primary Concentration Plants (PCP East and PCP West), which is pumped to the Secondary Concentration Plant (SCP) which is also located at the Mine. Waste products from primary processing at the PCP West include tailings (coarser material) and fines (material) / residue. Tailings are backfilled into the mining void(s) and also used to construct the retaining walls of the Residue Storage Facilities (RSFs) into which fines are deposited. No chemicals are used in processing, but seawater is used resulting in a high saline content of tailings and fines. 

There are six West Mine RSFs (WRSFs), two of which are currently operational: WRSF 6, where fines are disposed during normal operations, and WRSF 4 used for emergency disposal. WRSF 6 is projected to reach capacity by early 2030. In order for the West Mine to continue operations, an additional RSF, viz. WRSF 7 must be constructed. All infrastructure proposed for the project will be installed within mined out areas (or areas approved for mining).  

SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd (SRK) has been appointed by Tronox to undertake a Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting (S&EIR, also referred to as Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA]) process for the construction of WRSF 7 and associated infrastructure. The EIA process is being undertaken in accordance with the EIA Regulations, 2014 to inform an application for Environmental Authorisation (EA) in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA). 

Tronox are also applying for: 

  • A Waste Management Licence in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008; 
  • A Water Use Licence in terms of the National Water Act 36 of 1998; and 
  • Amendment of the approved Environmental Management Programme in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002. 


Graauwduinen 152, Remainder of Portion 1, Brand se Baai (located within the West Mine at Tronox Namakwa Sands)


The Scoping Report and Executive Summary of the Scoping Report for WRSF 7 are available for public review and comment until 31 March 2025 and can be accessed via the document file links below. 

Hard copies of the Scoping Report and the Executive Summary are also available at the following venues: 

Stakeholders are invited to submit comments and/or register on the project database via the following link: Alternatively, written comments can be submitted to the SRK contact person listed above. Comments must reach SRK no later than 31 March 2025. 

By registering as a stakeholder you consent to SRK, the Project Proponent and the Competent Authority processing and selectively disclosing your personal data (including contact details), in fulfilment of the requirements of the EIA Regulations, 2014, and the National Appeal Regulations, 2014. Personal data will only be used for the purposes of providing relevant project information and obtaining feedback on these processes. SRK undertakes to process data in compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act 14 of 2013 and in accordance with our Protection of Personal Information Policy.