Full Circle

While comprehensive legislation already regulates mining waste in SA, a growing number of companies have adopted strategies to go the extra mile. 

As mining is a listed activity, according to SA's national environmental legislation, the industry is bound by the National Environmental Management: Waste Act. Commenting on the sector's approach to and management of waste, Minerals Council South Africa head of environment Stephinah Mudau says that 'the mining industry has embraced the principals of waste-management hierarchy in conducting its activities, to satisfy the key principles of the strategy as it pertains to waste minimisation and implementation of the circular economy.'

The industry does not only look at being compliant with the local legislative requirements, but also strives to go beyond by implementing international best practices, she says. 'Environmentally sound management of waste is one of the key focus areas in company policies contributing towards overall general environmental performance. Waste is managed within the prescripts of the law in the mines, and the principles of continuous improvement is embraced throughout the industry to keep up with new trends.'