Millimeter Accuracy

On a global scale, tailings dam breaches are increasing in frequency, causing significant damage to the environment and even loss of life. This has led to a massive industry inward focus, with all the mining majors carrying out reviews of how their tailings facilities are managed and monitored, while the ICMM publication of the Global Tailings Standard, which has been developed through an independent review co-convened by the United National Environment Programme, Principles for Responsible Investment and ICMM, is a vital step towards improving the safety and security of tailings facilities and rebuilding public trust in the sector.

To mitigate these catastrophic events in the future, numerous technologies and approaches are being developed and deployed. Tetra Tech, a leader in developing solutions to support the operational safety of geotechnical and natural structures, says it has developed microseismic technology that can monitor the structural stability of tailings dams and identify parameters that may cause a failure.