Droughts, Floods and Contamination: The Triple Threat to African Mining Investments

Water availability is a key investment risk to mining in many African countries, adding to the range of risks that will come under the spotlight at the Investing in African Mining lndaba in Cape Town in February 2024. 

In a session on de-risking mining investment, to be held on 6 February, the focus will include infrastructure and regulations - both pertinent to the allocation and access to water for projects. According to Peter Shepherd, partner and principal hydrologist at SRK Consulting, water allocation demands early attention and a commitment to meeting stringent compliance and best practice requirements. Shepherd highlighted that national regulations are often onerous, and any project's motivation for a water use licence needs to be both detailed and scientifically sustainable.

 "Many parts of Africa are dry, and competition for water grows steadily with development and human migration, as well as climate change," he said. "In southern Africa, for instance, countries like South Africa, Namibia and Botswana are increasingly careful about how water supply is allocated." 

Read the full article on Cape Business News.