How Technology Will Support – and Limit - Mining’s Green Ambitions

Mining has arguably taken the lead among economic sectors in the boldness of its climate change commitments; the focus is now on the pace of technological advancement, and whether this will be fast enough to allow the sector to reach its goals and deadlines.

 The voluntary commitments by mining‘s leading players have set the bar high. promising to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by the year 2050. According to Philippa Burmeister, partner and principal environmental scientist at SRK Consulting, certain technology is rapidly evolving to support mining's green ambitions. 

However. she also points out a significant challenge: the need to prove new innovations before they can be reliably implemented. This involves rigorous testing and validation to ensure these technologies are effective and sustainable in real-world mining operations.

“A technological step-change will clearly be required to meet climate change goals, but new technologies may take up to 15 years before they clear the certainty hurdles of a mine’s bankable feasibility." said Burmeister. “In other words, any stakeholder, investor or lender who supports a mining project relying on these technologies, must be completely confident that these innovations will deliver as promised at the quoted price and be available at quantities required and hold a reliable warranty."