Self-Checking the Reliability of Engineering Geological Models

Assessing the degree of uncertainty that exists within the conceptual component of an engineering geological model (EGM) is an essential, yet often omitted step in finalizing an EGM as basis for construction of an engineering work. While all EGMs are based on geological concepts and interpretations generally focused towards the engineering purpose of the model, not all models are adequately robust nor properly calibrated or verified. This paper comments on the literature relating to the evaluation of EGM uncertainty in general and proposes a process of self-checking the reliability of the conceptual components of an EGM, specifically targeted at practitioners involved in engineering projects.

If you’d like to request the full publication, please contact Wayne Barnett.

Figure 1. Progressive and relative reductions in uncertainty as knowledge increases versus that achieved solely through more sophistication in modelling (from Carter & Marinos, 2020, after Carter, 1992)