SRK Celebrates Its Half Century of Innovation in Mining

It has been 50 years since SRK Consulting founders Oskar Steffen, Andy Robertson and Hendrik Kirsten started their consulting business in Johannesburg. 

The world was a different place in 1974 but the innovation on which SRK Consulting has built its global network remains a key ingredient in mining's success. Now with over 1 700 staff around the world, the company has made ''Innovation in Focus'' the theme of its golden anniversary year.

 ''Innovation was a key driver in the company's founding and our people continue to build on that legacy,'' says SRK Global group CEO Tim McGurk. ''Because the projects  we undertake with our clients are becoming increasingly complex, it is inevitable that we renew our commitment to innovation in our work, as we reflect on our past and future.''

Read the full article on Mining Weekly.