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By Hugo Melo

Underground Uranium Scoping Study


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SRK conducted a scoping study of the underground components of two uranium deposits in Labrador, Canada. The study took on preliminary geotechnical investigations to define the underground context, followed with an analysis of the most appropriate mining methods. The geotechnical study took all of the available information from core logs and core photos to assess the deposit rock quality and to estimate the underground span capabilities, preferred stoping sequence, and potential ground control methodologies, according to defined geotechnical domains.

The deposit was conducive to mining by the long-hole method, using a primary and secondary stoping sequence with tailings backfill to maximize extraction and reduce surface storage. A trade-off study was conducted to consider shaft vs. ramp access. The preferred method was estimated to be ramp access and haulage, and the study included a preliminary mine design based on that criteria.

Development and stoping schedules were developed in sequence to provide the required feed to the processing plant so that deliveries would fit with the open-pit mine schedule. Based on the mine design and schedule, the study scoped the mine infrastructure, including ventilation and de-watering unit operations.

SRK delivered preliminary cost estimates for the underground mine, identified risks and opportunities, and made recommendations to advance the project to the next level.