Where's The Regulatory Detail?

There is a marked absence of regulatory detail that organisations need to guide their preparations to comply with the proposed Climate Change Bill, says Ashleigh Maritz and Estie Retief.

While industry and environmental practitioners have welcomed the first draft of the Climate Change Bill, there is mounting impatience at the absence of the regulatory detail that organisations need to guide their preparations to comply.

The bill has been presented over recent weeks by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) at stakeholder engagement sessions around the country, and has faced searching questions from large induatry players, municiplaties, and NGO's alike.

According to Ashleigh Maritz, Senior environmental scientist at SRK Consulting, the DEA has pointed out that the detail will follow in the form of regulations, once the bill is passed into law -  but many companies feel that time is running out, and that South Africa has fallen behind.

Acknowledged: Mining Mirror