Quasi-1D Deformation Modelling of a TSF Under Undrained Loading

Felipe Lopez Rivarola, Alejo Sfriso, Kevin Bernardo, Nicolás Tasso

In this paper, the stage construction of the TSF, p’ – e evolution, self-weight stability, and its pushover stability is analysed for a quasi-1D column. The NorSand constitutive model (Jefferies, 1993) implemented in PLAXIS 2D® is used.

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A Review of the Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Tailings

Camilo Morales

Seepage through TSFs is commonly assumed to occur under gravity flow and is usually determined only under steady-state conditions.

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Slope Design at El Romeral Pit, Chile

Esteban Hormazabal, Pedro Crignola

SRK Chile’s rock mechanics team completed a study of the slope design at the El Romeral pit located 463 km north of Santiago.

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Design of Water Barrier Pillars and High-Pressure Concrete Water Plugs for Mine Closure

William Joughin, Alejandro Verri

Many South African gold mines have reached the end of their life and have closed or are in the process of closing.

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Due Diligence on Lithium Brine Projects

Camilo Raúl de los Hoyos, Diego Marrero

Lithium brine exploration, resource/reserve estimation and mining focuses on hydrogeological techniques adapted for hypersaline solutions.

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Methodology for the Management and Use of Solid and Liquid Mining Waste

Osvaldo Aduvire

This article describes a methodology for managing solid and liquid waste generated in mining processes, as the way to reuse and recover by-products of mine effluents that have economic value.

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