Bjerkreim Project

Project Description

SRK Exploration has been working with explorer Norge Mining PLC (NMP) on their exploration (now mining) licences covering the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion for over six years. This significant mafic intrusion is known for its large deposits of ilmenite, apatite and vanadium-bearing magnetite. SRK EX has progressed the project from early stage reconnaisance, through several phases of large-scale mineral resource drilling. Most of the work has now been handed onto SRK Consulting (UK) for mineral resource estimation and Feasibility Study.  

Initially SRK Exploration undertook surface mapping and sampling in areas previously identified by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) as being prospective. Through these campaigns and the interpretation of a 3,300 line km airborne geophysical survey, SRK Exploration validated historical interpretations, identified extensions to zones of interest and found additional target areas.  An integrated analysis of the new and historical data allowed a resource drilling programme to be designed in 2019. At the same time, work also included an assessment of the area’s environmental and social setting, and development of a unique online tool for recording stakeholder engagement.

Despite COVID-19, in mid-May 2020 SRK Exploration was able to mobilise a team to site to begin the drilling programme. Gradually, the project team grew to include up to 25 Norwegian, Danish and British geologists and technicians.  This team managed and undertook all exploration activities on the ground including running five diamond drilling rigs to complete over 70km of core drilling by the time SRK Exploration's on-site managment role ended in 2023.  The SRK Exploration trained NMP geologists have now taken control of day-to-day activities, with SRK Exploration providing consultancy advice as required, including data QAQC, audit visits and exploration planning advice. 

During its time managing the drill programmes, SRK Exploration implemented the use of cloud-based geological logging software which fed directly into live 3D geological models.  This approach allowed the active optimisation of drilling patterns based on the latest results, thus increasing exploration efficiency.  

The drilling programme was multi-disciplinary in nature with explroation staff working closely with colleagues in the geotechnical, resource geology, hydrogeology, mining, tailings and ESG departments of SRK Consulting to ensure that the maximum amount of valuable data was collected during the exploration phase for use in future technical studies.  This collaborative approach allowed the project to rapidy grow its Mineral Resources which, as of June 2024, now include several billion tonnes of mineralsiation in the Indicated and Inferred categories.  

With its three commodities (Ti, P and V) on the EU’s list of Critical Raw Materials, the Bjerkreim intrusion could be of strategic importance and will no doubt be watched closely as it progresses through Norway’s permitting process.