50th Anniversary Celebration in Johannesburg

As we mark our 50th anniversary, we hosted an unforgettable 50th event for clients and media. Our theme for the event was boldly titled “SRK50 - A groundbreaking journey”. We celebrated our groundbreaking journey, its milestones, and our dedication to continue providing innovative solutions and services.

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SRK Celebrating 50 Years of Consulting to Natural Resource Sector

Andrew van Zyl

The 50 years of experience that SRK Consulting has accumulated since coming into existence in 1974 has placed it in an excellent position to outline how mining’s approach to environmental sustainability and responsible sourcing has evolved over the past 50 years.

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SRK Creates Sustainable Impact Legacy in Africa

Andrew van Zyl

SRK Consulting, a leading firm with expertise in engineering and environmental solutions, has made strides in sectors such as mining, infrastructure, environment, water management, and energy across the African continent over the last 50 years.

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Digital Innovation in Tailings Dam Management

James Dutchman

Technological and digital innovation is set to drive industry best practice in tailings dam management. Many mining companies have invested considerable effort in meeting the first Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management’s (GISTM) compliance deadline of August 2023.

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Despite Challenges, New Mines Are Being Built in SA and Elsewhere in Africa

Andrew van Zyl

Johannesburg - based mining technical consulting company SRK Consulting says despite the industry grappling with commodity price cycle shocks, new mines have been built in South Africa and the rest of the continent, signalling growth.

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SRK Celebrates Its Half Century of Innovation in Mining

Andrew van Zyl, Tim McGurk, Alejo Sfriso, Tracey Drew, Jonathon Eldridge

It has been 50 years since SRK Consulting founders Oskar Steffen, Andy Robertson, and Hendrik Kirsten started their consulting business in Johannesburg. The world was a different place in 1974 but the innovation on which SRK Consulting has built its global network.

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