United Kingdom

About SRK UK
Established in:
SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd.

Market sectors and clients

Our primary focus is to provide natural resource consulting services to the mining and metals sector. Geographic coverage comprises the European, Central Asian and African regions but extends globally through our well-established relationship with the European financial markets and institutions. Our client base includes private companies, publicly listed companies and    public sector organisations, ranging from: junior exploration companies to mid-tier developers and vertically integrated global operators; financial, accounting and legal advisors to the mining and metals sector, and EPCM contractors.

Major services

We provide services to the mining and metals sector across the entire suite of authoring (multi-disciplinary technical studies) and reviewing mandates (due diligence) for exploration and mining assets, ranging through the full spectrum of the project development chain: grassroots exploration, advanced exploration properties, development properties, brownfields expansions, and mine closure. We author multi-disciplinary studies ranging from conceptual through scoping, prefeasibility and feasibility studies to bankable standards, including Environmental and Social Impact Assessments incorporating IFC Performance

New strategies

Our strategies focus on a combination of consolidating the UK practice, strategic development of regional practices, and business development across the region. SRK UK continues to provide technical and financial support for SRK Sweden and Finland, SRK Kazakhstan, SRK India and SRK Ghana. Our consultants engage in brand enhancement strategies with strong profile raising activities, through conference presentations, talks and workshops; technical papers; bespoke technical workshops for individual or multiple clients. SRK UK’s consultants continue to be involved in helping organise technical conferences around the world and are active in professional bodies which promote the technical aspects of our industry, while we continue to maintain our quality standards through ISO9001:2015.


Aerial View of Cardiff

